Editor-in-Chief: Alan David Kaye, MD, PhD
Managing Editor: Bert Fellows, MA
- 2017;20;447-470Effectiveness of Thermal Annular Procedures in Treating Discogenic Low Back Pain
Systematic Review
Standiford Helm II, MD, Thomas T. Simopoulos, MD, Milan Stojanovic, MD, Salahadin Abdi, MD, PhD, and Mohamed Ahamed El Terany, MD.
ABSTRACTPDF - 2017;20;471-486The Effect of Early Use of Supplemental Therapy on Preventing Postherpetic Neuralgia: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis
Systematic Review
Xiu-Fang Xing, PhD, Zhen-Feng Zhou, PhD, Feng-Jiang Zhang, MD, and Min Yan, MD.
ABSTRACTPDF - 2017;20;487-500What Are the Predictors of Altered Central Pain Modulation in Chronic Musculoskeletal Pain Populations? A Systematic Review
Systematic Review
Jacqui Clark, MSc, Jo Nijs, PhD, Gillian Yeowell, PhD, and Peter Charles Goodwin, PhD.
ABSTRACTPDF - 2017;20;E755-E796Efficacy of Cannabis-Based Medicines for Pain Management: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Randomized Controlled Trials
Systematic Review
J. Aviram, RN, PhC, and G. Samuelly-Leichtag, PT, PhC.
ABSTRACTPDF - 2017;20;501-508Posture Influences the Extent of Spread of Contrast Medium During Thoracic Epidurography: A Prospective Randomized Trial
Randomized Trial
Ji Hee Hong, MD, PhD, Sung Won Jung, MD, PhD, and Ji Hoon Park, MD.
ABSTRACTPDF - 2017;20;509-520The Dose-Dependent Effects of Ketoprofen on Dynamic Pain after Open Heart Surgery
Randomized Trial
Vedat Eljezi, MD, Claire Biboulet, MB, Henri Boby, MD, Pierre Schoeffler, MD, Bruno Pereira, PhD, and Christian Duale, MD, PhD.
ABSTRACTPDF - 2017;20;521-528Serious Adverse Events Associated with Readmission Through One Year After Vertebral Augmentation with Either a Polyetheretherketone Implant or Balloon Kyphoplasty
Randomized Trial
Douglas P. Beall, MD, Jeffrey D. Coe, MD, Mark McIlduff, MBA, Daniel Bloch, PhD, John Hornberger, MD, Christopher Warner, MD, and Sean Tutton, MD.
ABSTRACTPDF - 2017;20;529-535Sonographic Guidance for Supraclavicular Brachial Plexus Blocks: Single vs. Double Injection Cluster Approach
Randomized Trial
Jung Ju Choi, MD, PhD, Hyun Jeong Kwak, MD, PhD, Wol Seon Jung, MD, PhD, Seung Hyun Chung, MD, PhD, and Mi Geum Lee, MD, PhD.
ABSTRACTPDF - 2017;20;537-5501-Year Results of a Randomized Controlled Trial of Conservative Management vs. Minimally Invasive Surgical Treatment for Sacroiliac Joint Pain
Randomized Trial
Julius Dengler, MD, PhD, Djaya Kools, MD, Robert Pflugmacher, MD, Alessandro Gasbarrini, MD, Domenico Prestamburgo, MD, Paolo Gaetani, MD, Eddie van Eeckhoven, RPh, Daniel Cher, MD, and Bengt Sturesson, MD, PhD.
ABSTRACTPDF - 2017;20;E797-E805Long-term Cost Utility of Spinal Cord Stimulation in Patients with Failed Back Surgery Syndrome
Retrospective Review
S. Harrison Farber, BS, Jing L. Han, BA, Aladine A. Elsamadicy, BE, Qasim Hussaini, MS, Siyun Yang, MS, Promila Pagadala, PhD, Beth Parente, PA-C, Jichun Xie, PhD, and Shivanand P. Lad, MD, PhD.
ABSTRACTPDF - 2017;20;E807-E822Complex Regional Pain Syndrome Type I, a Debilitating and Poorly Understood Syndrome. Possible Role for Pulsed Electromagnetic Fields: A Narrative Review
Narrative Review
Stefania Pagani, BSc, Francesca Veronesi, PhD, Nicolo Nicoli Aldini, MD, and Milena Fini, MD.
ABSTRACTPDF - 2017;20;E823-E828Repeated Ganglion Impar Block in a Cohort of 83 Patients with Chronic Pelvic and Perineal Pain
Retrospective Study
Quentin-Come Le Clerc, MD, Thibault Riant, MD, Amelie Levesque, MD, Jean-Jacques Labat, MD, Stephane Ploteau, MD, Roger Robert, MD, Marie-Aimee Perrouin-Verbe, MD, and Jerome Rigaud, MD, PhD.
ABSTRACTPDF - 2017;20;E829-E840Lack of Gender and Age Differences in Pain Measurements Following Exercise in People with Chronic Whiplash-Associated Disorders
Case Control Study
Kelly Ickmans, PhD, Anneleen Malfliet, PT, MSc, Margot De Kooning, PhD, Lisa Goudman, PT, MSc, Ives Hubloue, MD, PhD, Tom Schmitz, MD, Dorien Goubert, PT, MSc, PhD, and Maria Encarnacion Aguilar-Ferrandiz, PhD.
ABSTRACTPDF - 2017;20;E841-E848Factors Associated with Successful Responses to Transforaminal Balloon Adhesiolysis for Chronic Lumbar Foraminal Stenosis: Retrospective Study
Retrospective Study
Doo Hwan Kim, MD, Seong-Sik Cho, MD, Yeon-Jin Moon, MD, Koo Kwon, MD, Kunhee Lee, MD, Jeong-Gil Leem, MD, PhD, Jin-Woo Shin, MD, PhD, Ji Hyun Park, MD, and Seong-Soo Choi, MD, PhD.
ABSTRACTPDF - 2017;20;E849-E861A Practical Guide for Treatment of Pain in Patients with Systemic Mast Cell Activation Disease
Literature Review
Stefan Wirz, MD, PhD, and Gerhard J. Molderings, MD.
ABSTRACTPDF - 2017;20;E863-E871Comparison of 7 Surgical Interventions for Lumbar Disc Herniation: A Network
Fan Feng, MD, Qianqian Xu, MD, Feifei Yan, MD, Yuanlong Xie, MD, Zhouming Deng, MD, Chao Hu, MD, Xiaobin Zhu, MD, and Lin Cai, MD.
ABSTRACTPDF - 2017;20;E873-E881Effects of Pulsed Versus Conventional Versus Combined Radiofrequency for the Treatment of Trigeminal Neuralgia: A Prospective Study
Prospective Study
Abdelraheem Elawamy, MD, Esam Eldein Mohamed Abdalla, MD, and Ghaydaa A. Shehata, MD.
ABSTRACTPDF - 2017;20;E883-E902Acupuncture for Myofascial Pain Syndrome: A Network Meta-Analysis of 33 Randomized Controlled Trials
Xiuxia Li, MD, Rong Wang, MS, Xin Xing, MS, Xiue Shi, MS, Jinhui Tian, MD, Jun Zhang, MSc, Long Ge, MD, Jingyun Zhang, MD, Lun Li, MD, and Kehu Yang, MS.
ABSTRACTPDF - 2017;20;E903-E914Effects of Epidemiological Factors and Pressure Pain Measurements in Predicting Postoperative Pain: A Prospective Survey of 1,002 Chinese Patients
Prospective Survey
Guangyou Duan, MD, Shanna Guo, MD, Yuhao Zhang, MD, Ying Ying, MSc, Penghao Huang, MSc, Li Zhang, MSc, and Xianwei Zhang, MD.
ABSTRACTPDF - 2017;20;E915-E922Comparisons of Lesion Volumes and Shapes Produced by a Radiofrequency System with a Cooled, a Protruding, or a Monopolar Probe
Comparative Analysis
David L. Cedeno, PhD, Alejandro Vallejo, HS, Courtney A. Kelley, BS, Dana M Tilley, PhD, and Nitesh Kumar, BS.
ABSTRACTPDF - 2017;20;E923-E932Decompressive L5 Transverse Processectomy for Bertolotti’s Syndrome: A Preliminary Study
Retrospective Study
Chang il Ju, MD, Seok Won Kim, MD, Jong Gyue Kim, MD, Seung Myung Lee, MD, Ho Shin, MD, and Hyeun Young Lee, MD.
ABSTRACTPDF - 2017;20;E933-E940Percutaneous Endoscopic Debridement and Drainage with Four Different Approach Methods for the Treatment of Spinal Infection
Retrospective Review
Eun-Ji Choi, MS, Su-Young Kim, MS, Hyuck-Goo Kim, MS, Hong-Sik Shon, MS, Tae-Kyun Kim, MD, and Kyung-Hoon Kim, MD, PhD.
ABSTRACTPDF - 2017;20;E941-E949Clinical Course of Cervical Percutaneous Epidural Neuroplasty in Single-Level Cervical Disc Disease with 12-Month Follow-up
Retrospective Study
Chang Hyun Oh, MD, Gyu Yeul Ji, MD, Dong Ah Shin, MD, PhD, Pyung Goo Cho, MD, and Seung Hwan Yoon, MD, PhD.
ABSTRACTPDF - 2017;20;E951-E960Factors Influencing the Application of a Biopsychosocial Perspective in Clinical Judgement of Chronic Pain: Interactive Management with Medical Students
Academic Study
Christopher P. Dwyer, PhD, Phoebe E. McKenna-Plumley, BA, Hannah Durand, MSc, Emer M. Gormley, BSc, Brian W. Slattery, PhD, Owen M. Harney, BA, Padraig MacNeela, PhD, and Brian E. McGuire, PhD.
ABSTRACTPDF - 2017;20;E961-E967Comparison of Intraarticular Pulsed Radiofrequency and Intraarticular Corticosteroid Injection for Management of Cervical Facet Joint Pain
Observational Study
Ji Woon Lim, MD, Yun-Woo Cho, MD, PhD, Dong Gyu Lee, MD, and Min Cheol Chang, MD.
ABSTRACTPDF - 2017;20;E969-E977Increasing Rates of Imaging in Failed Back Surgery Syndrome Patients: Implications for Spinal Cord Stimulation
Retrospective Study
S. Harrison Farber, BS, Jing L. Han, BA, Frank W. Petraglia, III, MD, Robert Gramer, BS, Siyun Yang, MS, Promila Pagadala, PhD, Beth Parente, PA-C, Jichun Xie, PhD, Jeffrey R. Petrella, MD, and Shivanand P. Lad, MD, PhD.
ABSTRACTPDF - 2017;20;E979-E986Intravertebral Vacuum Cleft and Its Varied Locations within Osteoporotic Vertebral Compression Fractures: Effect on Therapeutic Efficacy
Retrospective Study
Weibo Yu, MM, Xiaobing Jiang, PhD, De Liang, MM, Zhensong Yao, MD, Ting Qiu, MB, Linqiang Ye, MD, Shuncong Zhang, MD, and Daxiang Jin, MD.
ABSTRACTPDF - 2017;20;E987-E989Two Interesting Cases of Meralgia Paraesthetica
Case Report
Christopher David Jones, MRCS, Luke Guiot, MBBS, Mark Portelli, MD, Timothy Bullen, FRCS, and Paul Skaife, FRCS.