- 2006;9;95The Evolution of the Journal ?Pain Physician"
Mark V. Boswell, MD, PhD.
ABSTRACTPDF - 2006;9;97-105Evaluation of Therapeutic Thoracic Medial Branch Block Effectiveness in Chronic Thoracic Pain: A Prospective Outcome Study With Minimum 1-Year Follow Up
A Prospective Evaluation
Laxmaiah Manchikanti, MD, Kavita N. Manchikanti , Rajeev Manchukonda, BDS, Vidyasagar Pampati, MSc, and Kim A. Cash, RT.
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YiLi Zhou, MD, PhD, Fred A. Furgang, MD, and YanPing Zhang, PhD.
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Matthew R. Miller, DSc, PA-C, Robert S. Mathews, MD, PhD, and K Dean Reeves, MD.
ABSTRACTPDF - 2006;9;123-129Does Random Urine Drug Testing Reduce Illicit Drug Use In Chronic Pain Patients Receiving Opioids?
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Laxmaiah Manchikanti, MD, Rajeev Manchukonda, BDS, Vidyasagar Pampati, MSc, Kim S. Damron, RN, Doris E. Brandon, CST, Kim A. Cash, RT, and Carla D. McManus, RN, BSN.
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Ian Y. Yang, MD, and Saeed Oraee, MD.
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James E. Heavner, DVM, PhD, Mark V. Boswell, MD, PhD, and Gabor B. Racz, MD.
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Vijay Singh, MD, and Richard Derby, MD.
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James C. Thompson, EdD, Elmer Dunbar, MD, and Rashonda R. Laye, RN, BS.
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Dima Rozen, MD, and Uzma Parvez, MD.
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Letter to the Editor
Edward Carden, MD, and Arti Ori, MBChB.
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Christopher J Centeno, MD.