Current Issue - September-October 2014 - Vol 17 Issue 5


  1. 2014;17;E645-E650Sacral Neuromodulation as a Treatment for Pudendal Neuralgia
    Case Report
    Assia Valovska, MD, Christian D Peccora, MD, Cyril N. Philip, MD, Alan D Kaye, MD, PhD, and Richard D. Urman, MD.

Pudendal neuralgia is a debilitating pain syndrome, and finding long-lasting treatment modalities has been challenging in pain management. The pudendal nerve has sensory and motor functions, and influences autonomic functions. Thus, entrapment or damage of this nerve can have multiple serious implications. The constellation of symptoms which result from injury to this nerve is commonly referred to as pudendal neuralgia. When conservative therapy does not provide adequate pain relief and surgical procedures fail or are not viable options, central and peripheral nerve stimulation can be effective treatment modalities. More recent approaches to treatment include the use of peripheral nerve stimulation through the use of an electrical lead placed next to the pudendal nerve in the ischioanal fossa. Also, epidural stimulation of the conus medullaris and pulsed radiofrequency ablation of the pudendal nerve have been shown to be effective in small patient populations. We present the case of a 36-year-old woman who sustained pudendal nerve injury during a hysterectomy and subsequently developed intractable pelvic pain and pudendal neuralgia. Conservative treatment measures failed, but she obtained excellent results from peripheral nerve stimulator therapy. Permanent implantation consisted of 4 tined Interstim leads, individually placed into the bilateral S3 and S4 foramina. The patient has been followed for approximately 4 years since her procedure, demonstrating increased function as she is able to stand and sit for prolonged periods of time. She has returned to her usual daily activities, including horseback riding. This is the first reported case of transforminal sacral neurostimulation providing excellent relief of pudendal neuralgia related symptoms.