Current Issue - August 2020 - Vol 23 Issue 4S


  1. 2020;23;S475-S482Reduction of Contagion Risks by SARS-Cov-2 (COVID-19) in Air-Conditioned Work Environments
    Technical Review
    Valter Marcone, MS.

BACKGROUND: The coronavirus emergency obliged Italy’s government to stop production and trade activities to limit the =risk of contagion. Italy will restart activities in a few days and some security measures will have to be taken to limit the risks of spreading the virus as much as possible.

OBJECTIVE: This work summarizes the rules that are to be adopted for the reduction of the risks of SARS-CoV-2 infection with particular regard to the air conditioning systems in working environments, the sources of risk, and possible risk reduction measures.

RESULTS: Ducted air systems are of great importance, widespread, and often overlooked in risk assessment. Scientific evidence has shown that air conditioning systems can be both an infection risk reducer and, if misused, a multiplier of infection possibility.

LIMITATIONS: A narrative review with paucity of literature.

KEY WORDS: Coronavirus, COVID19, HVAC, primary airflow, SARS-CoV-2