Current Issue - July/August 2015 - Vol 18 Issue 4


  1. 2015;18;E657-E658Ischial Pain and Sitting Disability Due to Ischiogluteal Bursitis: Visual Vignette
    Brief Commentary
    Vedat Bicici, MD, Cem Hatioglu, MD, Timur Ekiz, MD, Suha Yalcin, MD, and Kagan Cingoz, MD.

Ischial bursitis or ischiogluteal bursitis is the inflammation of the ischiogluteal bursa due to excessive or inappropriate physical exercise, prolonged sitting, running, repetitive jumping, and kicking. Since ischial bursitis is a rare, infrequently recognized pathology and is difficult to differentiate from the soft tissue disease and tumors (both malignant and benign), herein exemplified is a case with ischiogluteal bursitis whereby the role of magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) in the prompt diagnosis has been highlighted.