Current Issue - March/April 2010 - Vol 13 Issue 2


  1. 2010;13;151-156Intrathecal Catheter-Syringe Adaptor for Short-Term Intrathecal Analgesia with an Externalized Pump: A Case Report
    Technical Report
    Denise Wilkes, MD, PhD, Michael Cook, MD, and Daneshvari Solanki, MD.

BACKGROUND: In most patients, cancer pain is effectively treated with conservative medical management consisting of oral and/or transdermal analgesics. Cancer patients tend to fail conservative medical management near the end of their life expectancy, thus requiring alternative routes of analgesia such as intravenous, epidural, or intrathecal. The intrathecal route provides the most effective analgesia due to the close proximity of the opioid receptors in the spinal cord. Though there are many techniques that exist for intrathecal drug delivery, complications can limit effectiveness such as infection, bleeding, cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) leaks, post-dural puncture headaches (PDPH), pump and/or catheter malfunctions, or limitations of technical expertise. Therefore, an important goal in palliative cancer pain therapy is to use equipment that is going to have the fewest number of complications and will be the most familiar to the health care providers. We describe the combination of the Medtronic Indura 1P catheter, which has the least catheter-related complications and can be used with any external drug infusion pump. These are regular infusion pumps that the health care workers are familiar with so they can provide excellent and efficient service to the patient.

METHODS: In an operating room, the intrathecal catheter was placed using sterile technique under fluoroscopic guidance. The epidural space was identified with loss of resistance technique. Then the introducer needle (supplied in the Indura 1P catheter kit) was advanced until free-flowing CSF was obtained. The spinal catheter was advanced into the intrathecal space through the introducer needle to lumbar 2-3 level. The catheter was tunneled subcutaneously 10 cm lateral to the catheter exit site. A syringe filling device was inserted into the catheter opening and was secured with silk suture. A luer lock syringe was attached to the syringe filling device and CSF was aspirated. The syringe filling device was capped and later attached to an external drug infusion pump.

RESULTS: We report the successful use of the Medtronic Indura 1P, one piece intrathecal catheter, connected to the external drug pump for a 3 week period in a patient with metastatic cervical cancer for palliative pain control.

LIMITATIONS: Case report only.

CONCLUSION: This technique is simple to perform by pain specialists. The catheter modification allows the use of the Medtronic intrathecal catheter with standard external drug infusion pumps. This facilitates the patient’s care in the hospice setting.