Editor-in-Chief: Alan David Kaye, MD, PhD
Managing Editor: Bert Fellows, MA

Pain Physician is the official publication of the American Society of Interventional Pain Physicians (ASIPP). The open access journal is published 6 times a year.

Pain Physician is a peer-reviewed, multi-disciplinary, open access journal written by and directed to an audience of interventional pain physicians, clinicians and basic scientists with an interest in interventional pain management and pain medicine.

Pain Physician presents the latest studies, research, and information vital to those in the emerging specialty of interventional pain management – and critical to the people they serve.

Epidural Guidelines Facet Joint Guidelines IPM Guidelines Regenerative Medicine Guidelines OPIOID Guidelines PNS Guidelines Risk Stratification Guideline Antithrombotic Guidelines Sedation Guidelines BMC Therapy Position Statement

Current issue highlights: (January 2025, Volume 28, Issue 1)

  1. Pregabalin Combined With Opioids for Managing Neuropathic Pain in Patients With Cancer: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis of Randomized Controlled Trials
    Systematic Review
    Chuanbing Wen, MD, Maoying Wang, MS, Maotong Liu, MS, Chenyu Zhu, MS, Jinlong Zhao, MS, Qing Jiang, MS, RuRong Wang, MD, PhD, Jun Li, MD, PhD, and Li Song, MD, PhD.
  2. Optimizing Chronic Pain Treatment: A Summary of Infrequently Investigated Therapeutic Interventions for Modulating Pain
    Narrative Review
    Andrew J. Ordille, MD, Michael Sabia, MD, Kingsuk Ganguly, MD, and Jasjit Sehdev, MD.
  3. Fluoroscopy-guided Intradiscal Radiopaque Gelified Ethanol Injection Using an Anteroposterior View Compared to an Oblique View: A Randomized Controlled Trial
    Randomized Controlled Trial
    Masoud Hashemi, MD, Sina Hassannasab, MD, Payman Dadkhah, MD, Mohammad E. Majd, MD, and Sogol Asgari, MD.
  4. A Placebo-Controlled Randomized Trial Comparing Oral Midazolam, Dexmedetomidine, and Gabapentin on Prophylaxis of Emergence Agitation After Sevoflurane Anesthesia in Adenotonsillectomy
    Randomized Controlled Trial
    Mohammad Fouad Algyar, MD, Ahmed Mohammed Abdelghany, MD, Sherif Kamal Arafa, MD, and Amir Abouzkry Elsayed, MD.
  5. Adjuvants to Conventional Management of Postdural Puncture Headache Following Obstetric Surgery Under Spinal Anesthesia: Mirtazapine vs. Sumatriptan
    Randomized Controlled Trial
    Tarek Mohamed Ashoor, MD, Ahmed Maher Abd ElKader, MSc, Raouf Ramzy Gadalla, MD, Ibrahim Mamdouh Esmat, MD, and Ahmad Mahmoud Hasseb, MD.
  6. Rhomboid Intercostal versus Serratus Anterior Plane Block for Analgesia After Thoracodorsal Artery Perforator Flap Following Partial Mastectomy: A Randomized Controlled Trial
    Randomized Controlled Trial
    Shereen E. Abd Ellatif, MD, Emad Salah Ibrahim, MD, and Heba M. Fathi, MD.
  7. Clinical Trial of Ozonated Water Enema for the Treatment of Fibromyalgia: A Randomized, Double-Blind Trial
    Randomized Controlled Trial
    Qianhao Hou, PhD, Jinyuan Zhang, PhD, Zehua Su, PhD, Xiaomei Wang, PhD, Hongwei Fang, PhD, Shuwen Qian, PhD, Haobing Shi, PhD, Qing Wang, PhD, Yuling Li, PhD, Jiaqi Lin, PhD, Xiangrui Wang, PhD, Zetian Wang, PhD, and Lijun Liao, PhD.
  8. Prophylactic Perioperative Fluid Infusion Strategy During Splanchnic Nerve Neurolysis to Prevent Systemic Hypotension: A Case Series of 70 Patients With Cancer
    Case Series
    Tetsumi Sato, PhD, Yuichiro Nishibori, MD, Motoki Sekikawa, MD, Ryoken Nara, MD, Tetsu Sato, PharmD, Yoshiko Kamo, PharmD, and Rei Tanaka, PharmD.